New Release 8/15!

Today we are updating a new release that we have been working on for a while.  We are excited to get some of these new features out!  Thank you to everyone for your feedback and we are continually working on more features everyday!

Blocking a Customer From Messaging You

Previously you were able to block a customer from making a reservation with you.  We have added the ability for you to also block customers from messaging you.  When they are blocked, they will not be alerted that they are blocked, but the "Send Message" icon will be hidden from their home screen which will prevent them from messaging you.  To block a customer from messaging you access the owner card by clicking on the profile icon of the customer.  In the "Info" tab scroll to the bottom and you will see a "Block Message" check box.  Once selected and saved, that will block the customer from sending you messages.


New Staff Permission Settings

We have added a few new staff permission settings.  We added the ability for business owners to restrict their managers from modifying their own timeclock hours.  We have also added the ability to restrict staff from changing anything at checkout.  This will prevent staff from adding discounts that owners would prefer them not to add.  To enable/modify these settings, click "Staffing" then "Members" then "..." next to the staff member you would like to change the settings for and select which permission settings you would like, and then save changes.

New Minimum and Maximum Duration for Groom/Training Hard Start Times

We have added the ability for you to accept certain grooming/training appointments for certain hard start times.  This is particularly useful for groomers who want to take certain services at specific times.  For example "I want to take only small dogs at 930 AM" or "I want to take 4 nail trim appointments at 2 PM".  The set up for this can be complicated based on your businesses' settings.  Please contact and we can make sure that you are set up according top your preferences!

No Show Reservations Can Now Deduct Package Credits

When you click "No Show" when a customer does not show up for a reservation, a modal window will appear and you are able to deduct a package credit from their package if they have one.


New Package Setting to Only Show to Customers When They Make a Reservation

You are now able to restrict selling packages in the "Packages" icon in your customers "Home" page.  This will only present the package to be purchased when the customer is actually making a reservation.  This is particularly useful for trainers who don't want customers buying group training class packages unless they are making a reservation for the class.  To enable this click "Settings" then click "Pricing" then "Packages" then find the package you want to modify and click "..." then "Modify".  From here if you select "Reservation Create Only", this will enable this restriction and customers will no longer be able to buy this package if they aren't in the process of making a reservation. 


New Facebook and Google Ad Conversion Tracking

We have added the ability for you to add conversion tracking for your Facebook and Google ads.  You will need to have your " Google Analytics ID" and/or your "Meta Pixel ID".  Then go to "Settings" then "Integration" and scroll to the bottom of the screen and input those into the correct area.  This will help you know how many of your ads are successful with these ad companies.  This will embed your ID into your booking link that your customers create accounts on/login to.

Automated Notifications Can be Turned Off

You now have the ability to choose which automated notifications your customers will receive.  If you click "Settings" then "Messaging" you will see options for "Email Options", if you have text messaging enabled "Text Message Options" and if you have our custom branded app "Push Alert Notifications".  Clicking into those tabs you will see sub tabs for all of your automated messages that go out to customers.  You can choose which ones will get sent out to customers by unselecting any that you do not want to be sent out to customers.


Quickly Rename Group Classes After Modifying 1 Class

From time to time, trainers may need to move a class to a different day.  This can make the classes seem out of order if you modify class 2 to a new date at the end of the course.  We have added the ability to quickly reorder the class names to align correctly.  Click "Trainers" then the trainer you are working with, then click "Manage Courses" and click into the course you are working with.  If you have a class that is out of order because you modified one class to a later time you can now select all classes with the check boxes and click "Rename Checked".  This will bring up a modal window with all classes selected.  At the top of the screen you will see a new button that will auto reorder the classes for you.  Once you save changes you will have them back to the correct order.


Cloning a Training Course Will Now Use the Same Repeating Options Keying Off Selected Start Date

When you go to clone a group training class the system will now bring up a new window that will ask you to choose a new start date.  Once selected it will automatically use the same repeating options as the course you are cloning from.  This means if you are cloning a 6 week course, you will be asked a new start date and the system will create a 6 week course with the same parameters as the course you are cloning from (weekly, biweekly etc.).


Moving a Customer From One Group Class to Another

We have added the ability for you to move a customer from one group class to another.  When you click on the "..." next to the group class reservation for a customer you will see "Move Reservation".  You will want to use this if you ONLY want to move one class from the course.  After selecting this you will see a modal window where you can select another class to move it to.  Selecting "Move Here" will send that one class to the new course.


If you want to move ALL of a customers classes from one course to another, click "..." next to one of the customers reservations and select "Switch Course".  This will bring up a list of available courses.  You can select which course with the course selector at the top of the window.  NOTE: if you are switching to another course that has more or less classes than the customer has reservations for in the original course, the system will make the customer have the same number of classes as the course you are switching to.  For example: a customer is in a 6 week class and has already gone to 1 class and you are switching to another 6 week class, the system will automatically add one class so the customer has 6 classes for the new course they are switching to.  You can easily delete any of the classes you are switching to but by default the system will match the customers reservations to the course you are switching to.  NOTE: All packages credits and reservation deposits will be transferred with the customer.  IF the customer has reservation deposits for 6 classes and you move them to a course with only 5 classes, then one classes' deposit will be converted to user credit.  IF you have reservation deposits for 5 classes and you switch a customer to a course with 6 classes in it, the customer will only have 5 reservation deposits and will need to pay one more deposit.


New Cash Change Calculator

Based on many businesses wanting a cash change calculator, we have added that to this release.  When you check out via "Cash" you will see a new modal asking you to input the amount of cash received.  If you input an amount higher than the amount due, it will automatically calculate how much you should return to the customer. If the customer pays with the exact amount due you will just see "$0.00" as change.  Either way pressing "Continue" will complete the checkout.


Update Your Customers Profile Picture

Many of our businesses require their customers to have their profile pictures so they know who to release the pets to.  We have added the ability for you to upload your customer's profile picture for them.  Just click into the owner card to access.  Then in the profile picture you will see "Change Image" where you will be able to upload a picture directly into their profile for your business.


As always we are ever grateful to have the best customers we could ever hope for.  Thank you for all of the feedback that helps us make all of these features possible.  See the "Updates" section in your Paw Partner account to see a full list of the new features released today.  We will continue to work on all of the features you have requested.

If you have any questions or see anything off from today's release please contact us at

Thank you!

Paw Partner Family

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Ashton Thompson
Ashton Thompson @ 08/16/23 04:43:43AM
Thanks for all the updates.
Helena Nuñez Aguilera
Helena Nuñez Aguilera @ 08/17/23 07:51:27AM
Thank you to all the team for the updates!


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