Training Booking Updates!
New Update: Booking A Dog Training Reservation
After receiving some great feedback from our training businesses we have re-designed our training reservation system. Our updates make the training booking to closely resemble our daycare booking system. Scroll to the bottom for a video of how to use the new training reservation system.
Booking a Group Class:
When making a training reservation, you first select your pet, then you select your service. The services are broken out by "Private Lessons" and "Group Classes". Under group classes, select which class you would like to make a reservation for. After selecting the class, a calendar will populate with a date selector at the top of the screen. You can toggle forward, backward, or click the month to jump to a month you want to go to. On the calendar you will see green boxes for the different trainers that teach that class. The green boxes will show the FIRST date of the class. When you click the green box, a window will pop up with details for all classes in that multi-class course. If this is the class you would like to reserve, click "add to calendar" and then click save and continue. The rest of the booking process is the same as before.
Booking a Private Lesson:
When making a private lesson reservation, you first select a pet and then select a service. The services will be separated by "group class" and "private lesson". Select which private lesson type you want. After selecting your private lesson type, a calendar will appear. You can then hover your mouse over the dates that you would like to make a reservation for and the different trainers who have availability for that day will appear. Click the green box for the trainer you would like to reserve with. After clicking the green box, a window will appear showing the available times for that trainer. After selecting a time click "add to calendar". After adding that reservation to the calendar you are able to select other dates and add them to the calendar as well. Doing this, you are able to reserve multiple private lessons at one time. After you have added all desired reservations to the calendar click "continue" and the rest of the booking process is the same as before.
These updates are the first of our updates to our pet training module. Our next updates will include on-going classes, trainer rosters and more so stay tuned!
Please see the video below for details of how to use our new training reservation system.
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