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About Us
Pricing: Per night
Daycare: $15 per day M-F (excludes holidays)
Pawsome Daycare Package $120 for 10 days
Ultimutt Daycare Package $240 for 20 days
Regular Dog Suite: $45 for one dog, $35 for additional dog in same kennel
Deluxe Dog Suite: $65 for the first dog, $45 for each additional dog (minimum $110 room charge)
Cat Suite: $35 per night
Exotic: Call for pricing and availability
Our Facility
The Spawt
The Spawt
The Spawt  •  6 months ago
Play Time!

#karma #rocco
The Spawt
The Spawt  •  6 months ago
Puppy playtime!

#karma #nala #rocco
The Spawt
The Spawt  •  6 months ago
Business Info
Location: 1324 Brazosport Blvd
Freeport, TX 77541

Contact Us: 979-730-0201

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 7:30 AM- 5:30 PM, Saturday 8 AM- NOON, Sunday 2PM- 5PM


