Pricing: Per night
Daycare: $15 per day M-F (excludes holidays)
Pawsome Daycare Package $120 for 10 days
Ultimutt Daycare Package $240 for 20 days
Regular Dog Suite: $45 for one dog, $35 for additional dog in same kennel
Deluxe Dog Suite: $65 for the first dog, $45 for each additional dog (minimum $110 room charge)
Cat Suite: $35 per night
Exotic: Call for pricing and availability
Jaimie Woods @ 09/28/24 04:44:50AM
Good morning puppers!!! We miss you and hope you are having fun with new friends! Can't wait for you to see the beach! See you soon!
Good morning puppers!!! We miss you and hope you are having fun with new friends! Can't wait for you to see the beach! See you soon!