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Soos Creek Kennels
Soos Creek Kennels
Soos Creek Kennels  •  4 days ago
Welcoming the new month with some fantastic weather! The pups are having a blast!

#achilles #bailey #charlie #chups #cooper #georgi #harley-quinn #kjursti #quinn
Soos Creek Kennels
Soos Creek Kennels  •  2 weeks ago
Just when you’ve pulled out your sweaters and sweatshirts, the 80 degree weather comes back!!

#achilles #bailey #bailey #bella #charlie #chups #cooper #harley-quinn #kjursti #lucy #marley #quinn
Soos Creek Kennels
Soos Creek Kennels  •  2 weeks ago
Soos Creek Kennels
Soos Creek Kennels  •  3 weeks ago
Everyone poses for the pics because they know it’s treat time after!

#achilles #bella #charlie #chups #cooper #harley-quinn #isis #kjursti #koa #lucy #pepper #quinn
Soos Creek Kennels
Soos Creek Kennels  •  3 weeks ago
Day of remembrance, day of Friends and Family - no matter how many paws you have :)

#achilles #bailey #chups #harley-quinn #isis #jak #jasmine #koa #murphy
Soos Creek Kennels
Soos Creek Kennels  •  4 weeks ago
It is always nice to see all the wagging tails after a weekend apart from our friends!

#bailey #chups #cooper #dakota #harley-quinn #isis #kjursti
Soos Creek Kennels
Soos Creek Kennels  •  one month ago
Some love water, some don’t, but we sure do all love Dan!

#achilles #bailey #bella #chups #cooper #harley-quinn #kjursti #lucy #pepper
Soos Creek Kennels
Soos Creek Kennels  •  2 months ago
A little rain never stops the fun!

#achilles #chups #harley-quinn #pepper #polly
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Business Info
Location: 13426 SE 208th St.
Kent, WA 98042

Contact Us: 253-630-5342

Hours of Operation: BOARDING:
Mon-Sat 9 AM - 1 PM & 4 PM - 6 PM
Sunday 4 PM - 6 PM (check in/ out only)
Mon-Fri 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Daily - By Appointment


