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About Us
Why has Hyline won ‘The Best of the Northwest’ 9 years in a row?

At Hyline we know you want the best and safest experience for your pup so we do things much differently than the average dog facility. Our facilities and staff offer benefits no other place in Whatcom has.

With all the dog facility options in Whatcom County we are thrilled to have been selected as the ‘best’. We are continuing to improve our facilities and are dedicated to keep the best qualified and most loving staff around. Come to our open house tour every Saturday from 11am to 1pm and see why our guests and team are #Hylinehappy!

Our Facility
We have over 25 different exercise yards and 3 indoor play areas. This allows us to give our guests the socialization they crave no matter the weather. It also enables us to have the space and areas for dogs who prefer to cruise the yards by themselves. We also have 2 ceiling fenced yards so dogs who climb or jump fences can still play with friends. Your dog won’t be out on a concrete slab, they will be in romping around the countryside!

Our Staff
We have the best and most qualified staff around. Hyline has 3 certified vet assistants on staff. Our professional dog handlers must have at least 2 years of professional dog handling experience before being considered for employment at Hyline. Once hired, they go through an intensive month-long training before working with dogs full time. We also have an amazing janitorial crew who focus exclusively on cleaning so that our handlers can focus all of their attention on your loved ones. Furthermore, we are fortunate to have the best groomer around; Katie Hall has been grooming dogs and cats for 12 years in Whatcom County!

Our Love for Dogs
We are dedicated to making your pup’s experience at Hyline the most positive and safest. While the average boarding and daycare facility has playgroups of up to 25 or 30 dogs per group, Hyline has more employees working per shift allowing us to keep our playgroups always at or below 10 dogs with most groups averaging below 6 dogs. We are dedicated to give each dog our personal attention and love. Our guests are out playing between 4 times per day between 6am and 7:30 pm!
Hyline Hotel for Dogs
Hyline Hotel For Dogs
Hyline Hotel For Dogs  •  12 hours ago
Hyline Hotel For Dogs
Hyline Hotel For Dogs  •  13 hours ago
Hyline Hotel For Dogs
Hyline Hotel For Dogs  •  13 hours ago
Hyline Hotel For Dogs
Hyline Hotel For Dogs  •  13 hours ago
Hyline Hotel For Dogs
Hyline Hotel For Dogs  •  14 hours ago
Hyline Hotel For Dogs
Hyline Hotel For Dogs  •  15 hours ago
Hyline Hotel For Dogs
Hyline Hotel For Dogs  •  15 hours ago
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Business Info
Location: 1012 E Hemmi Rd
Everson, WA 98247

Contact Us: 360-398-0174

Hours of Operation: Boarding Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-10am and 3pm-6pm Sat-Sun 8am-11am
Daycare Hours Mon-Fri 7am-10am and 3pm-6pm
Grooming by appointment only Tuesday - Saturday 930am-530pm


