Keeping safe length in nails is incredibly important (even more so of the active dog). Between top dogs slipping & crashing to the two broken nails from running in the snow I had no choice but to give half of the class nail trims today. Many with WAY too long of nails.
Keep in mind that in winter the dogs don't have a chance to grind their nails down naturally so require clipping more often. If you would like to get your dog on a regular nail trimming schedule to avoid potential injury, or at least avoid me coming after you with naughty nail messages 😉, we did start the new year with a new Pedi Plan set up.
Details can be found on the Pedi Plan page of our website. Quick link on FB & Instagram.
While this is a non-pedi plan week I will not add the extra fee and keep the cost to $20 for today's trims. Reminder that ideally this is a cash paid program ($20) however any invoices left unpaid 15 days after this message will be charged to the card on file with an additional $5 service fee.
Staff at Active K9